Social Science courses such as Psychology, Sociology, and others. Also includes courses for Education.

A survey of the world's nations and geographic regions. Each region will be discussed in connection with population, natural environment, size and location, economy, political situation, problems and potentialities.
This course covers the concepts of homeland security and the programs and actions being taken by government agencies, organizations, and the private sector. It examines the essential need for preventing terrorist attacks within the United States, decreasing vulnerability to terrorism, and minimizing the recovery from attacks that do occur.
The Microeconomics course is designed to provide a study of individual markets in our economy. We will examine price-output behavior in purely competitive, oligopolistic, monopolistically competitive, and monopolistic markets. Other topics reviewed in this course include: Resource markets, concentration ratios, labor and unions, pollution, agriculture, and international trade. In summary, our studies will emphasize how households and firms make decisions and interact within the economic markets in which we live. This course fulfills a social science requirement.
This course covers the history, cultures and values of western society from the the prehistoric period to the Enlightenment. It examines the development of early civilizations in the ancient Near East; the rise of classical civilization in Greece and Rome; the influence of early Christianity and Islam on Europe; the development of European society, religion and politics during the Middle Ages; the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment; and western contacts with the Americas and Asia in the 15th through 18th centuries.
This course covers the political, social, and cultural history of the United States from its colonial founding through the Reconstruction period. It examines the clash of European and native civilizations; development of colonies; growing independence of the colonies; revolution and the formation of a national government, nation building; sectional conflict; the Civil War; and rebuilding the nation after the war.
This humanities course teaches students how to look at, think about, explain, and engage in a critical discussion about many of the ways that human societies and the individuals in them create things that both serve purposes and tell stories. In each unit we will examine 'artifacts' or 'evidence.' In all cases we will ask of an object, an image, a text, a performance, a structure, a recording, etc., what are its characteristics? (what do you see/hear/etc.), and what do it's observed characteristics reveal about the people who made, consumed, or used it, and the situation in which it was created?
An introduction to the scientific study and interpretation of human behavior. The topics include: scope and goals of psychology, learning, perception, sensation, motivation, emotions, physiological basis for behavior, mental illness, psychotherapy, and personality development. The course reflects the increasing attention being paid to experimental procedures, laboratory techniques and research findings.